
The Flint River at the
County Line Road Site

County Line Road
Mitigation Site in Spring

Swale Construction
County Line Road
Under Construction

Town CreeK
Stream Construction

Town Creek Construction
Town Creek Site
Under Construction

Restoration Field
County Line Road
After Construction



Threatened Mussel Found at County Line Road Mitigation Site

shinyrayed pocketbook (Hamiota subangulata)Ecological Solutions, Inc. conducted a mussel survey at the County Line Road Mitigation Bank on September 11, 2008.  The purpose of the survey was to determine if threatened and endangered mussel species were present within the reach of the Flint River that forms the eastern boundary of the mitigation site. The survey was conducted primarily as a presence/absence survey of the listed species and not to acquire actual quantitative data.


A four person crew utilized tactile grubbing techniques along with snorkeling to conduct the survey.  The mussel team. which was headed by Rick Bowers and Dean Wilder, surveyed approximately 700 to 800 meters of the Flint River and found the shinyrayed pocketbook (Hamiota subangulata), a federally endangered mussel species.  Several other more common species were collected along with the shinyrayed pocketbook.  These include the southern rainbow (Villosa vibex), little spectaclecase (Villosa lienosa), southern fatmuckets (Lampsilis straminea), iridescent lilliput (Toxolasma paulum), and several individuals of Elliptio species.


The shinyrayed pocketbook (Hamiota subangulata) is a species of bivalve in the Unionidae family. It is found in the Flint River but is threatened by habitat loss.


County Line Road StreamDean Wilder, Senior Ecologist with Ecological Solutions said “It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack sometimes.  But, it’s worth a long day of grubbing to find an “Endangered” species.  We all still get excited whenever someone finds one, especially this close to Atlanta.  It’s nice to know that at least this section of the headwaters might continue to offer the needed habitat for the shinyrayed.”

For more information on mitigation credit sales please contact Mr. Frank James with the Flint River Mitigation Bank at 770-461-8603

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Camp Creek Mussels

Thretened Mussel Found at Town Creek Site

January 2008 Credit Release

April 2009 Credit Release



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